The Birth of Indy Lauren 6/25/21


Kayse and Parker welcomed their sweet baby girl, Indy Lauren, on June 25, 2021! Kayse’s first birth was a c-section and she was very motivated for a vaginal birth this time. She chose providers who were supportive of VBACs and enlisted a doula as part of her team. She also made sure her body was healthy and fit, knowing labor would require it. 

Kayse’s body was giving her signs labor was coming, but she tried not to get invested too early, monitoring her hydration and rest. Then a few days later she felt contractions that were different and they didn’t subside when she did “all of the things.” Her contractions were ranging between 5-8 minutes the night of June 24, and when rest was no longer possible, she spent some time in the shower and moved into positions that made the contractions more bearable. 

Her contractions were on the short side, so she did the Miles Circuit to see if that might get her labor on track. And sometime during the process her water broke! And soon after that her contractions were coming steadily at 2 ½ to 3 ½ minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds. They called, and the midwife recommended Kayse make her way to the hospital. And once they were settled in the triage room, Kayse’s midwife confirmed she was dilated 4-5 cm and 90% effaced. She had done some great work at home in a few short hours! 


Kayse was experiencing back pain with her contractions so we did counter pressure and used a warm rice sock to alleviate it. Once in her rightful room, Kayse labored on her hands and knees over the peanut ball as things continued to escalate. She got some quick sugar from a popsicle and then moved her labor to the shower around 1:45 am. Music set the tone as the water beat down, and a lavender infused washcloth also helped her to relax and stay in the zone. Her pain migrated from her back to her bottom and hips and brought some pressure that indicated her baby was moving down.

By 2:15 am, Kayse got out of the shower to cool herself down. It can get stuffy in there! A cold washcloth on her neck and back helped. And when she was hit with waves of nausea, the washcloths and peppermint essential oil helped somewhat, although she did end up vomiting. She was hitting a rough spot and wanted to know her progress and options. Her midwife checked her again and she was dilated 6 cm, 90% effaced, and her baby was at 0 station. She opted from some iv medication to help her relax for a bit. But unfortunately, it did nothing!


Kayse continued to labor with the pain and was open to staying active and upright. Parker was so loving and attentive to her. He provided love and comfort, and a sounding board for every decision. This was Parker’s first baby so the journey was every bit as surprising and new as it would be for any first-time father. Kayse’s previous birth experience and confidence in her body were a beautiful pairing with Parker’s wide-eyed wonder and eagerness to help.


We used a heating pad on Kayse’s hip, taking turns providing comfort measures, Parker and I, and tried various positions we hadn’t earlier. She sat upright in the bed and then labored on her right side and then her left. The pain was overwhelming though, and the iv meds were just not providing enough relief. Kayse requested an epidural and had relief within half an hour. It was 5:55 am when the epidural was completed, and by 6:55 Kayse was fully dilated! 


But full dilation doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to push and Kayse had hoped to get some benefit from the epidural. So she rested and labored down to conserve her energy for pushing. She reached out to update loved ones and then tried to rest. Every thirty minutes we changed her position. She sat upright in the throne position to bring baby lower, and then she labored on her right side. Next she leaned back in the bed with a peanut ball under one leg to change the angle of her pelvis. 


She felt some pain return but was not afraid of it. She wanted to use it to help her know when to push. At 9:50 am she was checked and baby was at +2 station! And ten minutes later she gave her first push. This is where Kayse’s strength and endurance kicked in for her. She pushed well and her baby had so much hair we could see it by 10:18! Her midwife joined us and encouraged her with each push. She had a team of support that included a student midwife and a student nurse whom she welcomed. And then, the fateful push brought forth Indy Lauren at 11:00 am! She had the cord around her neck but it didn’t slow her down. She was born healthy and perfect and vaginally! 


Kayse cried as she held Indy. All of the emotions flowed: the overwhelming love upon meeting her baby, the sense of accomplishment in achieving a VBAC, knowing that it was done and she DID IT! We were all so proud of Kayse! And not to be overlooked, Indy grabbed tightly to her daddy’s finger, showing she was strong like her mom. And her daddy just melted. After her first hour with her parents, she was weighed and measured. Indy was 6 lb. 14 oz. and 20 in. long. She was adorable and perfect in her parents’ eyes, but in our eyes as well. She truly was beautiful.  

Every birth is special but there is just something extra special about a VBAC. Kudos to Kayse for doing the work to align herself with truly VBAC supportive providers and for doing the physical and mental preparation to give herself the best chance for success. It all came together, and she rocked it!