The Birth of Jameson George Gordon Burke 6/26/21


Ellie and Sean are parents again! Jameson George Gordon Burke was born on June 26, 2021! Ellie had a strong desire to have a different birth experience than her first, one in which she did not let fear drive her decisions, and with minimal interventions. She selected a practice with midwives known for trusting women and the process of birth, and she felt heard. This was very important to her this time around and would help her to feel more confident following her intuition as well. This would be the first time Sean attended a birth since he had been deployed during the birth of their first child. So he was especially eager and excited.


Ellie’s last weeks were uneventful, which is a good thing. Her appointments went well, baby was positioned perfectly, and her blood pressure was beautiful. It was just a waiting game. She actually hoped to hold on until her mom arrived so she would have the necessary help at home. Thankfully, she did, which helped Ellie to feel less anxious. Leaving for the hospital can be especially stressful when there is childcare to coordinate!

Ellie’s due date came and went. She was 70% effaced but not yet dilated. Her baby remained in a perfect position though, locked and loaded. Whenever things unfolded he would be ready. And so would Ellie. 


Then on Saturday, June 26, around 2:00 pm, Ellie texted me about persistent menstrual-like cramps and shooting pelvic pain. She was in the middle of making donuts! Yes, donuts from scratch! I think Ellie was doing a bit of nesting.  She would try to hydrate, lay down, and get in a warm bath to see if this was the real deal. 


 A couple of hours later, Ellie checked in to say she was having loose stool and constant Braxton-Hicks contractions that were not coming and going. It was suspicious, and appeared like her body was getting itself organized into labor. And around 5:30 pm when Ellie texted, she had timed and discovered regular contractions coming 5-6 minutes apart. Over the next couple of hours (and after ordering Chipotle for dinner), Ellie could feel the contractions intensifying. She was drawn in to breathe and focus through each one and had called her midwife. Thirty minutes later, close to 8:30 they decided it was time to go to the hospital. The contractions were getting much more intense. 


We met up at the front door and proceeded up to the Family Maternity Center at Sentara Leigh Hospital. Just past 9:00 that night, her midwife did an initial exam to find Ellie was 5 cm and 100% effaced. We hung handwritten affirmations around the wall that Ellie had prepared herself. It was a touching way to make the space hers. Once her initial time on the monitor was completed, Ellie moved her labor to the shower. Meditations played; Sean remarked how they helped him to stay calm too. Ellie felt increased pressure in her bottom, and I reminded her to soften around her baby who was descending into that place. It was a struggle to be soft against such intensity, but Ellie recognized that, and she knew what she had to do.


 A popsicle at 10:00 that night game a little energy boost, and the midwife stopped in a short time later to find Ellie was working harder. Sean rubbed Ellie’s back to help her soften there. And he was so encouraging, telling her he believed in her and knew she could do it. Ellie kneeled on the floor through some contractions and then leaned onto the bed. And at 11:00 that night she confessed she didn’t know how long she could last. This was code for “I’m in transition!” We were excited, but we also knew our support and encouragement couldn’t waver at that critical point. I looked reassuringly at Sean and we stepped up our affirming language and reminded Ellie of her wishes for an unmedicated birth. She was very nearly there!


 Ellie labored on her hands and knees over the ball at 11:02 pm, a very effective position for traversing transition and moving into pushing. And sure enough, at 11:05 pm Ellie began involuntarily pushing and her water broke! It was an overwhelming sensation and Ellie needed some reminders to slow her breath and focus. She slowed and deepened her breaths which helped. She was fully dilated by 11:11 and pushing intentionally by 11:20. Sean held a leg when possible, and it was heartwarming to see his excitement. Ellie pushed in several positions, although she didn’t push long. At 11:45 pm she welcomed Jameson into the world! He would have been born even sooner but he had a hand by his face! He weighed in at 7 lb. 12 oz. and measured 20.5 in. long.


Ellie kissed her son’s nose and he settled down immediately. Isn’t it beautiful how babies just know their mothers? Reflecting on her birth, Ellie felt like she could do it because her mom was so strong, a lovely reminder of how important and inspirational mothers can be. And Jameson’s name was a family name after many Scottish George Gordon’s on Ellie’s dad’s side.

Start to finish, Ellie’s birth was a testament to the fact that every birth is different. She listened to her body and followed where it led, and she also surrounded herself with supportive people, and birth affirmations! It all came together for a beautiful experience, and I am so grateful to have been there.