The Birth of Ezra Mendel 4/4/21


Ezra Mendel entered the world on April 4, 2021, perfectly timed on the last day of Passoover, promoting Jessica and Marc to parents! Marc sent me a text one minute before midnight of Jessica’s due date, to say that contractions had been coming for 40 minutes of varying intensities. It was just a heads up sort of text as they were still trying to sort out whether it was labor. After I reminded them to hydrate, get in a warm bath, rest and not to pay too close attention, we waited to see what the night would hold. Just two hours later, the contractions were stronger and closer and Jessica was feeling nauseous. This seemed to be labor! Her contractions were closer than 5 minutes apart and escalated quickly in a short time. 


When Jessica threw up, we thought a call to the midwife was in order. And with the blessing to head in, they were out the door. Just before 4:30 am, Jessica was confirmed 2 cm dilated and her baby’s head was at -1 station. Her blood pressure was high so there were tests to run, but Jessica continued to move along in her labor. Just 90 minutes later she was dilated 3-4 cm and definitely being admitted to have a baby. Some iv medication aided relaxation as Jessica waited for a room. It was a busy birth-day!


Shortly before 7:00 am, right during shift change, Jessica’s medication was wearing off and her contractions were growing in intensity. Her baby was in the OP position and the pain in her back was intense. An epidural was the plan since it would help with the pain and also lower Jessica’s blood pressure. She was brave as she sat through the procedure, and it was quick and effective. An hour later she was dilated 5 cm. 


The midwives changed shift as the nurses did, bringing someone new. And it happened to be Jessica’s favorite midwife of the group! Ezra’s heart rate dipped a bit lower than normal ranges, so some oxygen and position changes helped in the interim. Jessica moved side to side, but since she had pretty good leg control, we had her labor on her hands and knees for a period of time. And just two minutes later her water broke with a splash! There was some meconium, which would bring a few extra people to the birth. And it might be sooner than later since Jessica was dilated 7-8 cm! Since her baby looked good on the monitor, the midwife assured Jessica and Marc that they were comfortable with everything and had no plans to change “the plan”. 


Continued position changes using the stirrups for a time and then the peanut ball, laying down and sitting up, really helped to complete Jessica’s dilation. And just before 5:00, feeling lots of pressure, Jessica began to push. Her baby’s heart rate was reacting to the intensity of labor as well, so pushing was a good idea for him too. Jessica was an excellent pusher and her baby’s heart rate rebounded between contractions like a champ. Jessica smiled as she pushed from behind the oxygen mask, overcome with the joy and excitement of meeting her son in a few short minutes.

At 5:12, she reached down and felt her baby’s head with her own hand. She had moved her baby down so quickly, from 0 station to +3 station in just two pushes! Jessica stayed the course and the nursery staff was called in shortly. And just 3 minutes later, Jessica and Marc welcomed their son, Ezra Mendel at 5:25 pm! When Ezra came out, a fountain of fluid followed him, spraying out in a dramatic way that left its mark on the floor and the midwife’s scrubs. He was pink from head to toe (literally) and rest against his mom’s chest before taking a quick trip at the warmer. He was returned to his mother’s arms soon after and Jessica didn’t let him go for over an hour. And for the record, he did manage to rotate into the OA position for birth, thanks to his mother maintaining her mobility even with an epidural. 


Ezra weighed 8 lb. 7 oz. and was so completely loved. Jessica and Marc noticed hairy shoulders, long fingernails, and even a dimple. He stuck his tongue out like a lizard and his parents were completely taken by him. When he was ready he latched and had his first feed as his mother looked adoringly on. This couple were beautiful partners and I am so proud of how they navigated the strong, choppy waves of labor. Welcome to the world, Ezra!
