Jennifer and Steven welcomed their third child, Grayson Anthony, on August 3! This was also my third time as their doula, and it is no secret how I love the richness of the relationships cultivated with my clients over subsequent pregnancies and births. Jennifer’s cervix gradually opened in the weeks before her due date, its familiar rhythm playing out. After all, Jennifer had always birthed her babies early. We were in touch a few days before, as she was feeling some cramps and sensations she wanted to talk through. Having babies previously doesn’t necessarily mean you know what to expect for each individual baby. But she trusted she would know when it was truly labor. And it turned out that she would have a definitive sign.
Then I got a text at 11:09 pm on August 2, just a couple days later. Jennifer’s water had broken! That settled it. Her baby would be coming soon. She went in shortly after since there were required antibiotics. But the silver lining was that they would save her from laboring actively in the car. She would just be a bit wet. Jennifer and Steven arrived within the hour and got settled in their hospital room. She was dilated 4 cm and 80% effaced, a very good starting place. Needless to say, with regular contractions already, albeit short ones, I left for the hospital. Third babies can be somewhat unpredictable. Who am I kidding? Really, all babies can keep us guessing.
I entered the room a short time later to find Jennifer’s contractions pounding out steadily every 3 minutes. She was sitting on the bed like a small buddha, inhaling and exhaling deeply with each contraction, then opening her eyes to rejoin the room in between. Her hair was tied back in a mom bun, for she knew the hard work that lay ahead. Her midwife was in the room with no plans to leave or stray very far. Jennifer rolled forward to labor over the birth ball as I found some piano music to play in the background. And by 3:00 am Jennifer was requesting earnestly that Steven stay close. Her contractions were washing over her and it took more effort for her to come up for air. She desired our hands nearby to hold or at least to touch her so she felt grounded and connected. Her quiet exhales had moved to sighs and at 3:26 am she was dilated to 6 cm.
Jennifer followed her body as it pulled her deeper into labor. Her sounds shifted along with her demeanor and she progressed quickly before our eyes: 8 cm at 3:39 and then fully dilated by 3:44 am! The midwife edged closer pulling the delivery cart within arm’s reach. Pushing out her baby took more effort than expected as Jennifer clung to Steven’s hands over the ball. And when Grayson emerged it was clear why! He was born with his hand by his head! But because Jennifer was so controlled as she followed her body’s instinct to push there were no tears. Grayson arrived at 4:01 am to the awe and wonder of his adoring parents. Jennifer cried happy and relieved tears as she looked down upon her sweet baby, catching her breath as we all waited for her the pronouncement of gender. Jennifer found her way back down upon the bed cradling Grayson all the while. “You did a great job,” was all her midwife said as she stood by. The rest was left in our minds and hearts as we marveled at the beautiful birth we had just witnessed. And as if to seal the end up like a bow, Grayson was latched to his mother’s breast by 4:22! Oh, and he was born on his mom’s birthday. (At least labor was over before the sunrise on her special day!)
This sweet family is so special to me and every birth journey with them unique. Once again Jennifer showed the perfect balance of control and letting go as the waves grew higher and stronger around her and within her. But she never allowed them to carry her off to sea. They simply returned her to shore, babe in arms. Congratulations again!
Grayson today