Posts tagged natural
The Birth of Elouise Joy 4/17/20

Mallory and Dustin welcomed their second baby, a sister for Ryleigh on April 17. That sweet baby is Elouise Joy and no doubt brings lots of joy to her parents and big sister. I was blessed to have accompanied Mallory and Dustin for their first birth so it was an honor to be invited back again. They also attended my 2-week refresher class specifically for veteran parents, so they could brush up on the finer points of labor and go over the differences they might expect for a second labor. Mallory rounded out her third trimester in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic so plans changed and things became very different. My support would be virtual. But at the core, what was true was the same—that Mallory would welcome her baby surrounded in loving support with providers she trusted. For they were the same providers who took care of her in her first pregnancy. Mallory’s due date came and went, and just over a week later she was scheduled for an induction. 

Mallory and Dustin arrived at a very early hour and as inductions often go, it was slow. And on top of that their baby was suspected to be OP, which would bring its own potential challenges and delays. Mallory moved through the Miles Circuit to try to encourage her baby to rotate, all while the Pitocin crept up incrementally. That evening just before 6:00 pm things were looking more like labor. Mallory was dilated 4 cm a short while before and her midwife broke her water. Praise and worship music played as she breathed and focused through each contraction. The next stop was the shower where Mallory labored in lunges. The pressure grew within her pelvis so much so that it made her throw up. Even so, after leaving the shower, her midwife checked and while the baby was lower, Mallory’s cervix was still dilated 4 cm. But Mallory did not let this discourage her. I reminded her that the number did not matter and was no indication of how much longer labor would last. We dimmed the lights and she returned to the shower and just 30 minutes later she felt so much pressure that her midwife did another exam revealing she was dilated 7 cm! Mallory rolled over to her hands and knees and labored since it felt best for her. And just 15 minutes later we heard the unmistakable sound of pushing! Mallory was fully dilated at 8:23 pm and her midwife dressed in the paper suit (and mask, of course), and pulled up the delivery cart bedside. Mallory followed the cues of her body and in maybe two contractions she pushed her baby right on out! Elouise was born at 8:28 pm!


Mallory lay down upon the bed and held her baby close. She had done it! In the midst of a pandemic with an OP baby and a virtual doula, she had done it. Dustin called home right away so grandma and big sister could get the happy news before bedtime. We heard Ryleigh’s happy squeals at the official promotion to big sister and it made us all smile. In the end, Elouise was born in the OA position, rotated right at the end, probably because her mom was so active in labor. She was also born without her hands by her face, another unfortunate positional challenge that was rectified. Even more amazing is the fact that Elouise weighed 9 lb. 2 oz., was 21 oz. long, and Mallory did not tear. And she was latched to her mom’s breast by 8:42 pm. Mallory flew from 4 cm to birth in just ONE HOUR! Indeed, every birth is different. And we can often count of second babies coming quickly once they are ready. Thank you for allowing me to serve your family again. You were amazing and remained positive and saw your birth through in spite of the many challenges you faced. Way to go!! 
