The Birth of Levi Marshall 2/2/22

Lindy and Leland welcomed their first child, a son, on February 22, 2022. (That’s 2-22-22!) These first-time parents were also students in my 7-week childbirth class and had chosen providers who were known for their support of natural birth. However, as the pregnancy progressed, there were some concerns that came up at 28 weeks. It became clear that their care would be referred out to the high-risk OB practice in the area to ensure Lindy and Leland’s baby got the level of care he would need. There were several concerns that added up to a heart problem that would need to be addressed with surgery in their baby’s first days of life.

This was a big pill to swallow but swallow it they did. Lindy and Leland gracefully followed the new direction their journey had taken them, and with strong faith in the Lord, they prayed fervently and adjusted their plans, surrounding them with loving friends and family to help.

In the last weeks, their baby was confirmed breech. This was an added complication as it would mean a c-section birth if baby did not turn. With the heart issues looming, and some concerning slow growth in their baby, Lindy’s doctors strongly recommended a c-section sooner rather than later. They even put a date on the calendar to insure they had the OR reserved. Lindy and Leland struggled to balance the potential for a c-section with the benefits of more time in utero for their baby to develop. Lindy went in for regular BPPS and NSTs to check on baby and make sure he was doing fine. And for a while he was. Until he wasn’t.

All was well on February 14. Then on February 17, baby checked out fine. But four days later, the ultrasound showed some reduced amniotic fluid volume that made a c-section as soon as possible the safest option. Originally it was going to be 6:00pm that night, but then it was shifted, and Lindy was admitted overnight so they could do the c-section in the morning when the full cardiac team was available. This was par for the course at this point. Their expectations were in constant flux.

We had a powwow phone call that night to check-in on emotions and review details, and I planned to arrive the following morning. When I entered the room, I saw Leland laying in Lindy’s hospital bed with her. It was such a sweet image and hit home just how united and how in love these young parents are!

We passed the time talking, and I answered questions as needed and encouraged the both of them. A parade of nurses and doctors came in to explain why things were delayed. Yes, they were delayed again. But Lindy and Leland were patient and took refuge in the fact that their baby was holding and wasn’t in such urgent need of a c-section that they couldn’t wait a little longer. Time was a gift, every day, to every hour, and in the end every minute. They played worship music to bring peace and love to the space. And with minutes remaining before Lindy was to get wheeled to the OR, a prayer was said for wisdom and skill of surgeons, and for a safe birth for their son. Lindy was taken back at 11:44 am. And Leland worked on getting dressed in his paper suit.

Leland was taken back to join Lindy at 12:08 pm. And their son was born at 12:25 am. Leland texted me the good news and mentioned there was a beautiful story to share. Lindy had worship music playing over her phone during the birth. She and Leland sang as the c-section began. Soon they heard another voice singing on the other side of the curtain, followed by another, and another until a chorus of people were singing and worshipping together. There were tears and softened hearts and a definite feeling of God with Us during the birth.

Their sweet baby, Levi Marshall, was born breathing well. And in answer to a prayer by his parents that he be born weighing more than 5 lbs. (in spite of the most recent ultrasound that had him estimated at 4 lb. 10 oz.). And Levi weighed 5 lb. 1 oz.! While still small, this was a huge victory as it was a safer weight for surgery. Hugs came from the doctor, who happened to recognize Leland from a previous encounter, and she told Lindy she brought the good energy that day.

Leland went with Levi while I stayed with Lindy. She mostly rested. She had had a whirlwind 24 hours and it was just the beginning of their crazy ride as parents. Soon they would have surgery and recovery for their baby, and eventually skin to skin, breastfeeding, and bringing him home.

In the meantime, they drive to the hospital daily, bringing Lindy’s pumped milk and taking notes to update loved ones. At the time of this writing, Levi is still at the hospital but on the road to recovery. They encountered a few little hiccups but in general things are looking good. And mom and dad even got some skin-to-skin time with their sweet boy!

Birth can be so different. And while there were not many surprises with the scheduled c-section, Lindy and Leland still went through the gamut of emotions that accompany any birth, but to an even greater degree. They are taking things day by day and clinging to each other in the process. They have loving friends and family to keep them connected, and they are covered in prayer. Their faith continues to carry them through this difficult journey, but they believe in God’s goodness and look forward to when they can bring Levi home and really feel like things are “normal”.

(UPDATE: Levi is home and doing well. He was in the hospital for 79 days total, not that his parents are counting. He’s been home about 6 weeks at the time of this writing, and his parents are ecstatic to be sleep deprived and have an uncanny understanding of breastfeeding and pumping. Levi is growing and he is getting caught up on his milestones too. He does have another surgery, but the future looks very bright!)