The Birth of Kolsyn Grace 6/8/22

Makenzie and Shane have welcomed their second baby girl, Kolsyn Grace, into their family on June 8. She was a hard-fought attempt at a VBAC that ended in a triumphant repeat c-section. Makenzie returned to the providers from her first birth, trusting them, and understanding they had the lowest rate of c-section and a high rate of VBACs. She wanted to feel as though she did all she could for a vaginal birth this time. And she definitely did.

On June 7 I got a text from Makenzie around 4:00 am saying, “Hey you. Been having strong contractions since 2:15 am. Every 5-7 min lasting 1 min.” This was good news, and we were excited to know her baby girl was on the way. They progressed in intensity, proximity, and duration quickly. Just 30 minutes later had contractions ranging from 3.5 to 4 minutes with heavy pressure in the vagina. They had a significant drive, so they were on the road shortly and we all met up around 6:00 am.

Makenzie was dilated 3-4 cm with consistently close and strong contractions. She walked the halls for a bit, pausing with each contraction to squat and sway.  Thirty minutes later she was sounding so different she got another check. She was a solid 4 cm. Once in her room she labored over the CUB on hands and knees for a bit, swaying her hips to hope her baby descend.

By 7:45 am Makenzie moved her labor into the shower. Country music played over her speaker, and votives kept the lighting dim. Citrus fresh and Lemon on a washcloth filled the shower with uplifting scents that kept Makenzie alert gave a sense of renewed energy and focus. She exited the shower at 9:35 and labored beside the bed.

She labored on hands and knees, but her lower back continued to hurt in that position, so we used a heating pad. By 10:45 am she was feeling different, and a check revealed she was dilated 5 cm, 90% effaced, and her baby was at-1. I did some belly lifting and “shook the apple tree” to help loosen her pelvic floor with the rebozo. Since her contractions had spaced out some, she used the breast pump to try and bring them close together again.

Eventually they returned to less than 5 minutes apart with the pump, so Makenzie did a dangle squat the the rebozo to bring her baby down. She rested some in bed, feeling tired by her efforts, and then about 30 minutes later her water broke. Makenzie was still 5 cm at that point, but her stretchy cervix would open to 6. It was 2:25. Her baby was out of the OP position but looking toward Makenzie’s left hip. She returned to the shower to do some lunges to encourage her baby’s rotation.

Her contractions intensified and got much closer at 3 minutes apart by 3:00 pm. She was 6 cm by 3:20 and ready to get an epidural. We also wondered if it might provide some pelvic relaxation her body and baby might need. The epidural did not go off without a hitch unfortunately, and eventually needed to go in a second time. Once she was comfortable an exam at 5:20 confirmed she was 6 cm, 90% and baby was at -1. Her midwife recommended Pitocin since the contractions had spaced out again. Makenzie was on board with it and eager to meet her baby.

We had Makenzie in a variety of positions to help baby descend and rotate. She did flying cowgirl and used the peanut on her side with her knees together and ankles around the peanut to open her pelvis in a different way. She received a visit from family that included big sister, but it proved a bit upsetting to see mom in the hospital, so the visit was cut short, and Makenzie returned her focus to labor.

Her baby’s heart rate began to show some decels which had her midwife wondering why. Makenzie’s cervix continued to dilate slowly but surely though, open to 7 cm by 7:40 pm. We moved the bed into the throne position to use gravity to encourage further dilation and the Pitocin was turned back on once baby had a break.

Makenzie labored on her side and even on her hands and knees. And by 11:35 pm she was fully dilated, and her baby was at +1 station! She did a cycle of pushing and then labored down in the throne position. But her baby’s heart rate continued to decel in concerning ways. The midwife told Makenzie that her baby was telling everyone that she needed to be born a different way. It truly became a maternal sacrifice for Makenzie to let go of her VBAC to ensure her baby girl arrived safely. She did not hesitate to move forward with the c-section plan and in minutes Shane was suited up and they had the OR team ready.

Makenzie went back and Shane followed soon after, and they welcomed their sweet chunky girl at 12:26 am on June 8. Kolsyn weighed 8 lb. 12 oz. and was not coming out vaginally once they were able to see her position in relation to Makenzie’s pelvis. She was 21 in. long and cried right away to let everyone know she was fine.

Makenzie noticed she had squished ears on top like her big sister and she cried a cute little girl cry. Once the excitement of the birth died down and they got a chance to snuggle in the OR, Makenzie was moved to her postpartum room where she would remain until discharge home. They got to know their second baby and knew the path laid out before them to meet her was the safest and best one. There were no regrets knowing they had done all they could and jumped headlong into healing and loving their girls. I’m so proud of the way they remained united through labor and even through the difficult (and not as difficult as they thought) decision to move forward with a c-section again. Makenzie fought hard for labor, leaving no stone unturned. I’m so proud of her.