The Birth of Cohen Reed 7/21/20
Welcome to the world, Cohen Reed, born to his adoring parents, Cierra and Tyler from my virtual summer BirthWorks 8-week series. Cohen was born on July 21, 5 days past his guess date, and after a very long labor. Cierra was an incredible rock star through it all, and Tyler was her unfailing support. Cierra’s cervix was making some headway (no pun intended) prenatally. She was dilated 2-3 cm at her 40-week appointment. She had nonstress tests and even an induction scheduled, although she hoped not to need it. A text just before 1:00 am on July 20 confirmed that Cierra wouldn’t make her induction date. And that was just fine with her! She felt contractions that intensified through the night, moving closer over the hours. As luck would have it, she had a prenatal appointment scheduled for that morning and after speaking with her midwife decided to move forward with that and do a nonstress test while they were at it. For good measure, Cierra did the Miles Circuit at home before proceeding to the hospital in the hopes to encourage her baby to get his position sorted out.
Cierra moved to 6 cm in an hour and then did another round of the Miles Circuit since her baby’s position was almost certainly causing some delay in her progress. Remember, this all began at 1:00 am so she was already at the 15-hour mark and just starting active labor. Her contractions were picking up so she gave the shower a try. Cierra emerged shortly after and tried a myriad of positions to encourage her baby’s descent. She sat upright, she lunged, she swayed, she stayed so very active. But three hours later she had moved just ½ a centimeter. She returned to the shower and remained in there for nearly an hour, but after laboring on the birth ball for an additional 45 minutes she was 7 cm. And she was exhausted. After conferring with her midwife the decision was made to break her water. It was 9:15 pm. She labored in a variety of positions and then moved her labor back to the shower an hour later. By 11:30 that night she was dilated 8-9 cm, making her way, slowly but surely. Cierra tried the peanut ball and exhibited the signs of transition. She began instinctively pushing but after an hour her cervix was still not gone completely. Cierra weighed her options and to preserve her energy and a bit of her sanity, she opted for an epidural. She found relief and some rest, and we continued to rotate her fully from one side to the other, incorporating the peanut ball to keep her pelvis open. Cierra resumed pushing at 4:35 am. And just like with her first stage, she pushed in all sorts of positions. The rebozo tug of war became her most effective method, bringing her baby’s head into view.
Cohen was born at 7:46 am after over three hours of pushing! His cord was around his neck and over his shoulder, and caused him a bit more of an adjustment period. But he improved quickly with an apgar of 9 and was received gratefully by his mother. As hard as she worked to bring her son into the world, all was forgotten in that meeting. Cohen weighed 8 lb. 1 oz. and nestled in nicely with his parents. Cierra and Tyler were a united pair and did not let the uncertainties of COVID-19 and a protracted labor dim their spirits. Every single step of the way they weighed their options and followed their hearts. I admire them so much for it and will forever be grateful they chose to include me on such a momentous experience for their family.
Cohen today