The Birth of Chloe Mae 9/18/23

Jordan and Mike are new parents for the second time! Jordan’s first birth was a very early induction for a medical reason that resulted in her baby in the NICU and some additional challenges with breastfeeding as a result. Jordan wanted a healing birth this time, and she wanted it to be a positive experience. She was not committed to avoiding pain medication but desired to feel strong and capable and like she had choices. Ultimately, she wanted to feel present and hoped for a less dramatic pregnancy and birth this time, and thankfully that’s just what she got!

Jordan was healthy for her entire pregnancy and relished her appointments with the midwives she was also fortunate to work alongside as a labor and delivery nurse. That trust relationship had been built long before the pregnancy and it was very reassuring. Jordan went all the way to her due date with no induction on the books yet. It did have her growing a bit impatient for when and how labor might unfold but she was able to keep herself in check with some reassurance.

And on her due date she sent out an update that she was contracting more painfully than she had been and wondered if things might be percolating. She had some bloody show and fluid which had her alert up as well. But she wasn’t timing anything and wasn’t leaking so she stayed even keel. We talked about how it likely wasn’t labor since it was her actual due date and babies don’t ever choose that day. And we left it at that. (I even went to the beach!)

By that evening the contractions had intensified further and had Jordan reaching out again. She was not timing yet, just trying to ignore them as she continued about her day. Her contractions had her stopping and breathing and focusing though, and she was no longer talking. It was a good time to check the intervals. They were closer than 5 minutes apart and within that hour they were consistently 2-3 minutes apart. They made arrangements for the care of their firstborn, and we were on their way to the hospital. I met them there.

We met up at the hospital around 7:30 pm. And Jordan had minimized and ignored her labor all the way to 5 cm, and nearly 6! She had done brilliantly with spontaneous labor after only experiencing pitocin contractions with her first.  She had a bulging bag and her baby was at -2 station, but once the waters broke we suspected her baby would move right on down.

Jordan got herself situated in a room and Mike and I got busy with labor support. Counter pressure during contractions and a heating pad between them helped. By 8:30 pm the contractions were steady at 2:30 apart and lasting a full minute. They were stronger than when she arrived too.

Just before 9:00 pm was a good time for Jordan to move into the shower. Citrus fresh oil blend on a washcloth in the shower made for a spa feel, along with the battery votives. Jordan labored in there about 30 minutes and when she emerged, she was ready to get an epidural.

She was dilated 8 cm, baby was at 0 station, and her cervix was effaced 90%! Thankfully, the CRNA was fast and effective, and Jordan was comfortable in a short amount of time. At 10:30 she was still dilated 8 cm so we helped her into side-lying positions with the peanut ball to dilate the last bit of cervix. Jordan hoped to get a nap in as well before pushing.

Just before midnight Jordan’s water broke which had us wondering if she’d get much rest. It wasn’t a huge amount of fluid, so she tried to rest after we helped her into the left runner’s position. But thirty minutes later Jordan felt her water break A LOT. So we called in her nurse to confirm and then helped her into the upright throne position at 12:48 am for the last bit of dilation.

Jordan felt the pressure of her contractions so much so that she was blowing through them. So, at 1:38 am we helped her into the flying cowgirl position on her left side. She still had a 9 cm lip of cervix in the front through, so we switched it up and had her go on her hands and knees over the CUB. The nurse on duty had some Spinning Babies knowledge so she got to work doing the jiggle while Jordan was in the hands and knees position. She was completely dilated 10 minutes later at 2:00 am and her baby was at +2 station!

Jordan tried pushing and as we expected it didn’t take long! Her baby was born after just 3 contractions at 2:10 am and Mike and Jordan announced the gender. It was a surprise! And they had another girl! “We have another baby!” Jordan exclaimed. And yes, they did! This baby was much bigger than her sister though! The immediate postpartum was so different and very healing! Jordan had her baby in her arms from the start and she didn’t leave for over an hour. And she latched in the first 20 minutes, another very different journey than her first. The name took some time, but they chose Chloe Mae. (I love the first name especially since my third baby is a Chloe!)

Mike had Jordan’s parents on Facetime for lots of oohs and aahs. This baby didn’t cry right away, just made enough sounds to assure everyone she was just fine. She was content to lay against her mom and gently adjust to being born.

A fun fact about this birth is Chloe was born on her parents’ anniversary! So she dodged her due date but found another significant day. Jordan also had no tears which was extra wonderful given that her first baby was so tiny. Chloe was an overachiever from birth, already trying to catch up to her big sister. She had latched well and nursed on both sides in her first 45 minutes of life.

Jordan had friends in the hospital that came to congratulate her and felt blessed to have been at work when she was in labor. The entire experience was a positive one and very healing for Jordan. She was all smiles, as was Mike, and it was such a joy to accompany them on such a different birth journey.