The Birth of Brantley Thomas 7/12/21

Welcome to the world, Brantley Taylor, born to Ashley and Mike on July 12, 2021. Ashley was motivated to have an unmedicated birth and prepared with childbirth education and hired a doula. She also sought out a practice that favored the midwifery model of care and had a low c-section rate, knowing that correlation would bring her much reassurance as a patient in their care. 

The next update came the following night around 2:30 am. Contractions were every 6 minutes and unaffected by a soak in the tub. Ashley was also having a lot of lower back pain which had us wondering if perhaps baby’s position was not quite right. I recommended some positional things, but Ashley was in such pain she was ready to call her midwives and head to the hospital. And within an hour they were on their way.

Ashley was dilated a nice 5.5 cm on arrival to the hospital just before 5:00 am. She had done a lot of work! The next challenge was getting into a room. An hour and a half later, with intensifying contractions, Ashley requested some iv pain medication to take the edge off as she worked to avoid an epidural. 

By 7:00 am she was dilated 6.5 cm, 100% effaced, and had a bulging bag, and still in triage. Ashley labored well in the small room, focusing on her body, and breathing through each one. And about 90 minutes later her L&D room was ready, and we made the move. 

Her medicine was wearing off, bring the return of her low back pain in its place. Mike did counter pressure on her sacrum which really helped Ashley to stay focused through the contractions. And she moved in a myriad of ways to help her baby turn. She labored on her hands and knees over the peanut ball and lunged one way and then the other. We positioned the bed upright like a throne and she labored like that.

A bite of orange popsicle just past 9:00 was just the pick me up she needed, and the warm rice sock on her hips helped too. Around 9:30 she got in the shower and allowed some citrus essential oil fill the shower with uplifting aromatherapy. She remained in the shower about 45 minutes and emerged in a completely different place in her labor.

Ashley was 9 cm dilated, 100% effaced, and her baby was at -1 station. She still had that bulging bag too. Full of renewed vigor knowing she was nearly ready to push, Ashley squatted with the squat bar on the bed to bring her baby down. She moved back to her hands and knees, and even labored on the toilet. She grew nauseous and without the telltale sign of pressure to push, Ashley returned her labor to the shower at 10:38 am. Twenty minutes later Ashley felt a shift, and 25 minutes later she was out of the shower again.

I pushed on her hips and back as Ashley dozed between contractions. She lay in runners’ position to encourage her baby to rotate while she rested. And then at 11:44 am she was completely dilated, 100% effaced, and her baby had moved to +1 station! Oh, and that bulging bag was still there. Ashley gave bearing down a try during her contractions. She lay over the peanut ball next to rest her arms and help her baby navigate southward. Then she labored standing up and returned to runners. She got some rest, believe it or not. But her contractions spaced out, so Ashley opted to have her water broken. At 12:40 pm the waters ran clear, and Ashley felt the relief that comes with that pressure release. 

Ashley moved right into second stage, pushing on her left side and then her right. But she preferred pushing more upright. The squat bar was a great tool for Ashley, but the sensation of tremendous pressure did not feel good to push into. And after an elaborate description of pushing like you are constipated, Ashley got it! And her pushes were moving her baby. In fact, by 1:22 pm she felt some burning and we could see some head coming forth. We called her nurse, and she came in followed by a different midwife who heard a baby was crowning. Ashley’s midwife arrived shortly after with plenty of time before baby. And after another round or two of pushing, Ashley brought her hands down to catch her own baby, and Brantley Taylor into the world at 1:42 pm on July 12, 2021! 

Brantley came out in the OA (best!) position, having taken his own sweet time to rotate. He weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and was 19.75 in. long. Ashley was all smiles as she held her son as the reality set in of what she had just done. Her life was forever changed in a wonderful way. She was a mother. Mike was a doting father, taking care to carefully put Brantley’s hat on his head. He also got in some skin to skin too.

These young parents were patient, loving, and wise as they brought their son into the world. Ashley listened to her body and stayed focused. She was not afraid to labor in all sorts of positions to encourage her son on the best path. That job will continue as a mother—encouraging Brantley on the best path. And Ashley has done a great job so far, now hasn’t she? Congratulations again!