The Birth of Birdie Banks 7/11/21

Grace and Robert welcomed their daughter, on Jul 11, 2021! This was not Grace’s first birth; she and her husband had a young daughter already. So she knew what was coming. And so did her body. She felt bouts of Braxton hicks contractions and her cervix even dilated some ahead of time. At her 40-week appointment she was dilated 2 cm. Unfortunately, at that appointment she also confirmed that her baby was in the OP position (sunny side up) So she spent a lot of time on her hands and knees to encourage her baby to rotate. The next day her body contracted for many hours, but never increased in intensity. Eventually, her contractions subsided and she was able to fall asleep.

Then at 11:30 am the next morning, July 11, Grace texted that she was “definitely having labor contractions.” They had started 3 ½ hours earlier and were escalating in intensity. They were not very close yet, however, so she planned to wait it out before heading to the hospital. Her contractions grew stronger, longer and closer to the point that by 3:15 pm she was ready to call her midwives and endure the drive to the hospital. (Depending on who you ask, they may claim that’s the worst part of labor!) We met up at the hospital about 20 minutes later.

Grace labored through the required 20-minute NST, breathing and moving to best cope with the intensity of the surges. And it’s no wonder because was arrived dilated 6 cm. She had done a lot of work at home and was in the thick of it. Grace shed some tears of relief knowing how far she had already come. Transition was just around the corner.

She stood beside the bed during the blood draw, and Robert lightly rubbed her arms and pressed her hips. He was always by her side, very attentive and willing to do whatever would help. Once the admissions details were completed, Grace headed to the shower. It was just before 5:00 pm, and she told us (as she entered the shower) that she felt like she wanted an epidural. After just 15 minutes she got out and returned to the bed for an exam. Grace was seriously thinking about the epidural and an exam would give her information to make the decision.

And lo and behold Grace was dilated 8 cm! This complicated things a bit because she still felt like she wanted an epidural. There was some strategizing on the part of her birth team. Robert knew Grace’s wishes and asked, “If her water gets broken will the baby come?” And we all said, “YES.” Grace was not opposed to it and thought it would be a good idea, but still wanted anesthesia to be called in for the epidural. It would be a race. Who would come first? Her baby or anesthesia? Her water was broken by the midwife at 5:20 pm and the race was on. 

Grace rolled over to her hands and knees and labored with courage and strength. She did not act as though she was overwhelmed and desperate for relief. She did not lose a grip on her coping mechanisms as she waited for the epidural. And it’s a good thing too because the anesthesiologist was busy and not available right away. And just four minutes later, Grace’s exhale moans turned to growls as her body moved headlong into second stage. She pushed with the next contraction full on and it didn’t take long before her baby was crowning. Once the head was out, her baby opened her mouth to cry! Of course, she couldn’t until the rest of her came out, that birth canal compresses those lungs something fierce!) But at 5:39 pm Birdie Banks was born! Her gender was made official in that moment since it had been a surprise all along. And for those who have been paying attention, she did rotate into the OA position before birth.

Grace lay back in the bed with her sweet baby in her arms. She stroked her daughter’s cheeks and kissed her head and celebrated the incredible journey. She reveled in her chunks and head full of dark hair and savored every little detail. Both Grace and Robert cherished every minute of bonding with their sweet girl. Snuggles with mommy and skin to skin with daddy, and even a first latch filled the magic hour. And it wouldn’t be until the end of that hour that Birdie weighed 8 lb. 6 oz. and measured 19.25 in. long.

Robert was so involved even Grace’s nurse was bragging on him at the nurses’ station. Panera was ordered for dinner, and we all celebrated the fortuitous timing of Birdie being born on 7-Eleven Day! She would always get free Slurpee’s on her birthday! In the end, Grace did not get the epidural she requested. But she DID get the unmedicated birth she had envisioned. What a timely coincidence that anesthesia was not available immediately, and that Grace’s baby was ready to come moments later. It didn’t hurt that Grace had such solid support to keep her on track with her goals too. Sometimes it all comes down to timing. Like being born on Free Slurpee Day! Congratulations again!