The Birth of Archie Lee 11/3/20


Alana and Matt were third-time clients of mine, so we eased into a comfortable dynamic from the start. Thankfully, COVID restrictions had been lifted at Alana’s chosen birthplace so as to allow in-person doula support. We rejoiced at the opportunity to be a birth team for the third time. As a woman who had given birth twice already, Alana’s body did a lot of prep work leading up to labor. She felt more contractions and twinges, and accepted them as par for the course. Alana knew that she wanted to labor at home as long as possible for she had no interest in breathing through contractions with a mask over her mouth and nose. She also desired to be upright and moving for all of it—NST or not. And we supported her in her wishes and formulated a plan to best execute them, namely laboring at home until active labor and having a solid childcare plan for the other kids so she could leave quickly. Alana’s due date came and went, just like her others. And she waited and hoped to avoid the induction that had been penciled on the calendar at the 41w5d mark. A well-timed chiropractic visit (the day before the scheduled induction!) gave her the chance for one last adjustment as well as a face to face with me as I was arriving for my appointment as she was leaving hers!


And four hours later, Alana texted to tell me she was having real contractions. She wasn’t timing them yet but was stopping and breathing through them. Then two hours later, Matt texted asking me to come to the house. Things had escalated and they were lining up care for the kids as the grandparents were in route out of state. I left a short time later and arrived at 6:45 pm. I let myself in and found my way to Alana upstairs in the bathtub. During contractions, Alana rocked forward and back and breathed and moaned through the peaks as Matt was gently stroking her shoulders and cooling her with a washcloth. After one such contraction, Alana looked up at me and asked, “So when do we go to the hospital?” Coming from the woman who was bound and determined to stay home as long as absolutely possible, I took this is a sign it was close to that time. And the contractions were closer than Alana realized because when I asked it was Matt who corrected her by saying they were well under the 5-minute mark. Within 30 minutes of my arrival, we were on our way out the door.


The car ride was intense, but it always is. Alana was relieved to be out of the car and walking. In fact, she insisted on walking the whole way, declining a wheelchair. A contraction brought her to her hands and knees in the foyer, and then another forced a pause as she leaned through it. But she managed her way to the unit with just one more. Alana was shown to her room where she made a beeline for the bathroom. And we heard a loud splash a few seconds later. Her water had broken and Alana emerged feeling a lot more pressure. Alana crawled upon the bed while her nurse strapped the monitor around her belly for the NST as Alana felt the urge to bear down. The midwife showed up at that precise moment and confirmed that Alana was fully dilated at 7:55 pm! (It was quite clear though, even without an exam.)


Alana moved from hands and knees to side-lying and immediately began to push. And she brought her baby into the world in just a few contractions. Archie Lee was born at 8:10 pm and shortly after, Matt declared, “It’s a boy!” He embraced Alana and their new baby boy as the oxytocin, the awe, and the sheer exhilaration of birth to wash over them. Archie drifted off to a cat nap initially but perked up and latched by 8:30. He apparently just needed a few moments to acclimate being born. He weighed 8 lb. 5.8 oz. and measured 21.25 in. long.


Alana moved from hands and knees to side-lying and immediately began to push. And she brought her baby into the world in just a few contractions. Archie Lee was born at 8:10 pm and shortly after, Matt declared, “It’s a boy!” He embraced Alana and their new baby boy as the oxytocin, the awe, and the sheer exhilaration of birth to wash over them. Archie drifted off to a cat nap initially but perked up and latched by 8:30. He apparently just needed a few moments to acclimate being born. He weighed 8 lb. 5.8 oz. and measured 21.25 in. long.


It’s births like Archie’s that illustrate the true meaning of perfect timing. Alana’s parents arrived immediately after I did, literally following my car down their street, freeing up Alana and Matt to make a speedy exit. Alana labored so long at home she managed to sidestep some hospital procedures she just assumed skip anyway, which had been her plan all along. She basically walked in and had a baby and as I recall we had a conversation at her prenatal meeting about how that would be ideal. And let’s not forget that Archie happened to be born within 12 hours of when Alana was to report to the hospital for her induction! She was resolute and determined, as I have always known her to be. But she was also patient as she waited for her baby to choose whether he would come on his own or need a little nudge. And in a confusing time with visitor restrictions, social distancing and masks, it was extra special to witness such beauty and normalcy through birth—for birth has not changed. Alana’s body labored the same as it would have, pandemic or not. And I am grateful for the reassurance that certainty brings.
