Amara's Childbirth Education & Doula Services

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What doulas do (and don't do) for their clients

It is important to know what a doula does….and what tasks they do not perform….before you hire someone to be your doula!

A birth doula…

  • believes in the birth process and works to impart that same confidence to her clients

  • recognizes birth as a key life experience that the mother will remember all her life and strives to preserve that memory in a positive way

  • understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor

  • assists the woman and her partner in preparing for and carrying out their plans for the birth

  • stays by the side of the laboring woman throughout the entire labor

  • provides emotional support, physical comfort measures, and reminds the couple of their options throughout labor

  • preserves and complements the partner’s role in the birth, encouraging them to support
    the laboring woman as they are most comfortable and supporting them as they do so

  • offers an objective viewpoint and assistance to the woman in getting the information she needs to make informed decisions about her care

  • advocates for the woman by facilitating communication between the her and her partner, and her clinical care providers

  • strives to facilitate labor progress by maintaining a calm labor environment with lighting
    and music and minimal distractions

A doula does not…

  • perform clinical tasks, such as vaginal exams or fetal heart rate monitoring. However, I WILL provide physical and emotional support to you and your partner.

  • make decisions for you. However, I WILL help you get the information you need to make an informed decision about your care. I will also remind you of your wishes as outlined in your birth plan.

  • speak to the medical staff on your behalf. However, I WILL listen to your concerns and review options with you that you and your partner can discuss with the clinical staff.

  • replace the father during labor. However, I WILL support and encourage the father and enhance his support style rather than replace it.

Here are some photos of me supporting families during and immediately postpartum: (photos by Kimberlin Gray Birth Photography)