2017 BirthWorks Conference Highlights

It was a privilege to co-chair the 2017 BirthWorks Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia with Cathy Daub, founder and president of BirthWorks International. Thank you to everyone who helped behind the scenes, the speakers who inspired us and got us thinking, and the attendees who came together so willing and open to explore and learn. It was an incredible assembly, and arguably the best birth conference EVER to come to the Hampton Roads area. The conversations, inspiration, and waves of change are already being felt at local hospitals and beyond. Take a moment to watch this video that shows a glimpse of the incredible time we spent together.

I am looking forward to our next BirthWorks Conference, time and location yet to be determined. Below is a short testimonial from the 2017 conference, including words from Ina May Gaskin, and some local midwives you might recognize including, Blair Conger, CNM, and Terri Hewitt, CPM. Hear what they had to say about their experience and consider joining us for the next one! You do not have to be a BirthWorks member to attend. Our conferences are open to everyone.