The Birth of Otto James 12/6/22

Angelica and Dan welcomed their son, Otto James, on December 6, navigating the unknown of childbirth with love and courage. Dan texted me at 8:00 am on December 5 to share the exciting news that Angelica’s contractions began at 5:15 that morning. They were clocking at 7 minutes apart, so it was still early. The plan was to rest, hydrate, and eat as her body allowed, and to keep me posted for when things got active.

But Angelica’s labor was taking its time. Her contractions were still averaging 7 minutes apart 5 hours later. She found some relief in the bath, but with her contractions still hovering at the 5-minute mark I suggested she give the Miles Circuit a try. Then she did some stair walking and the contractions felt significantly stronger and were closer at 3 minutes apart. They decided it was time to head to the hospital and I met them there.

Angelica was dilated 6 cm, 90% effaced, and her baby was at -1 station. Not bad for a day’s work! It was almost 7:00 pm though and she was looking at a long night. Just knowing she had progressed was a boost to her energy and mindset and Angelica was ready to stay the course for an unmedicated birth.

Dan was a great encourager, saying things like, “You’re so strong,” and “you’re so tough.” Angelica returned to the shower, with contractions coming regularly every 3.5 minutes. She threw up in there and felt more pressure which we took as a very good sign! Peppermint essential oil on a washcloth in the shower helped with the nausea and Angelica inhaled it. The pressure continued to increase and by 12:50 am, Angelica was ready to get out.

Angelica was curious about her dilation and a quick check revealed she was dilated 9 cm, with an anterior lip. We knew what to do and suggested Angelica labor on her hands and knees and incorporate some lunges. Classical guitar played on the speaker and a hot pack on her back helped with the pain and her mindset, and a fan and cold washcloth helped with the hard work of labor.

Angelica moved into the right runner’s position as shivers overtook her, then she stood up do to some lunges on both sides. By 3:00 she gave toilet sitting a try in the hopes it would bring her baby down low enough to stimulate the urge to push. We suspected there might be something holding her baby up and Angelica was not afraid to try “all of the things.” She sat with her knees in and ankles out to open her pelvic outlet. And some clary sage on a cotton ball helped her uterus resume a steady contraction pattern of 3 minutes.

At 4:15 am Angelica did some practice pushes but with her baby at +1 it was best that she labor down a bit longer to conserve her energy. She lay on her side with the peanut ball between her ankles on her left side. Her contractions had spaced out to 6 minutes apart by 5:00 am so after careful thought, Angelica decided a little Pitocin might help. She wouldn’t need much. Angelica resumed pushing with gusto at 6:30 am after her doctor told her she really needed to make some descent before other options might need to be considered. Angelica was going to do it on her own terms!

At 7:00 am she had her water broken and then pushed on her hands and knees. And when her doctor returned at 7:30 to check in she could see that Angelica’s baby was much lower than before. She got dressed and they broke down the bed and even turned off the Pitocin so baby could get some more recovery time between pushes.

And Angelica brought her baby into the world with a mighty push at 8:04 am! He hardly cried but was pink from head to toe almost instantly. Daddy helped get those Apgar’s checked off by rubbing his son’s foot, keeping the hard rubbing from the nurse at bay. And at 8:19 am their son found his voice and cried out steadily, clearly robust and strong.

Those first moments were sweet and tender between Angelica and Dan and their son, Otto. Dan felt the strong squeeze of his son around his finger and even got in the hospital bed beside Angelica to hold his family. After their magic hour the stats were made official. Otto weighed 6 lb. 15 oz. and was 19.29 in. long. He was a peanut, but it just goes to show how much position can impact the birth. He was clearly doing something in there with his hands or body to make the process extend out the way it did.

I am so proud of how Angelica and Dan worked as a team. His belief in her never faltered and together they brought their son into the world in the gentle natural birth they had envisioned. It was not easy or quick by any means. And there were moments that night where time seemed to stand still and the promise of a baby at the end of it seemed hard to believe. But they stuck it out, stayed positive, and taking it one contraction at a time, and using some strategic positions recommended by their team became parents in a beautiful and empowering way.