The Birth of Maxson David Delano 6/2/23

Welcome to the world, Maxson David Delano, born in the final minutes of June 2! This is my second time to serve as Jerica’s doula, so I was familiar with her understated way of laboring. But this was her third baby, and they have a reputation of being unpredictable. And this birth was a scheduled induction for postdates which also adds an extra layer of uncertainty on top of the already unpredictable nature of spontaneous labor.

It was a very busy day for birth but the staff worked diligently to get Jerica settled into a room as soon as one was available. She was dilated 2 cm, 60% effaced, and baby was -2. Jerica’s veins were a tricky stick, so getting an iv established required more than one try by more than one nurse, but eventually it was successfully established by an anesthesiologist. Working as a team they made it happen.

And over 6 hours after arrival, Jerica received her first dose of Cytotec. And then she waited. Jerica requested the breast pump to use in the hopes it would get things going as she waited for the next dose of Cytotec. Four hours later came the second dose, just past 6:00 pm. Jerica had some mild contractions that were close and short, but she could talk through them and knew they weren’t to the level of significant cervical change yet.  She sent David home to help settle the kids for bed.

By 9:00 pm, Jerica’s contractions were super close but still not very strong. She felt some pain in her lower back as well and considered walking around. I gave her some suggestions to ease the back pain and wondered if baby’s position was the cause. But within 30 minutes Jerica felt a shift in intensity that had me feel I should head to the hospital. She was worried I was coming too soon and preferred I want until she got checked so I waited.

At 10:20 pm she was checked and confirmed dilated 4 cm, still 60% effaced, and baby was still at -2 station. But even though the numbers didn’t seem like significant change had occurred, Jerica continued to feel pain in her back and thought they were getting more intense. She suspected it would be time to come soon so we felt it best I just head in. I left at 10:45 pm and arrived around 11:15.

Jerica was moaning through contractions that were close together. Of course, they had been close for hours, but had very recently turned the corner to active. She was standing by the bed, braced against it as she breathed through contractions. Her labor had taken hold in the 30 minutes since our call. She breathed and focused through each contraction and found the breaks shorter than the actual contractions.

Jerica felt like she had to use the bathroom, so she took a pit stop with David by her side. (Yes, I know this could mean a baby is coming but not even Jerica thought that was the case.) So, I went about setting up votives around the room to enhance the ambiance and didn’t hear her when she told David she was pushing, and then dismissed herself with “that’s can’t be right.” Jerica made her way out of the bathroom and back to the bed to lay on her side awhile. She requested David play her Hypnobabies scripts on the speaker, so he set that up as well. Then as she lay there, she said she felt her baby was coming but she wasn’t ready. Her nurse was casually setting up the delivery cart unaware that Jerica felt her baby coming, so we alerted her that Jerica felt the baby.

The nurse called for the doctor who was not in the building, so they had the hospitalist OB come in for delivery. Jerica was startled that she was actually pushing already, and she felt very overwhelmed. “I’m not ready,” became her mantra. And I met it with, “But your baby is ready. It’s okay to be overwhelmed by what you are feeling. It went so quickly!” The doctor came rushing in and got the deets from Jerica’s nurse. She hurriedly dressed in her paper suit and pulled the delivery cart up to the bed.

She lay on her side, and we supported her upper leg. The doctor watched as Jerica’s amniotic sac was born. She offered to break it but Jerica preferred she didn’t. With the next contraction, the sac was laying upon the bed like a water balloon cinched at the base. And it gently released fluid on its own. “I can’t do it,” Jerica insisted, right as she WAS doing it. We could see Jerica’s baby crowning in that moment and the doctor had David come to the end of the bed to help do the delivery! Jerica continued to tell us she wasn’t ready, but she pushed as if she most definitely was! The doctor patiently waited as Jerica pushed instinctively, following her body’s urges as she was ready. And once her baby’s head and shoulder was born, the doctor gestured for David to move in closer. The final push brought their baby into David’s hands, who was then instructed to place the baby onto Jerica’s belly. He was a bit shocked himself, so he paused for a moment of wonder before passing their newborn baby to his wife.

Maxon weighed in at 8 lb. 13 oz., the heaviest of his brothers, and measured 21 in. long. As Jerica processed the birth in that first hour or so, she told us she was scared and not ready. And she didn’t think she would make it for a long labor. So, her baby ended up coming the way she needed him to! David confessed that he felt like he might pass out right before the bag of waters was born, but he managed to stay upright. And Jerica tried to piece together when she was in transition. It must have happened on that bed and probably just lasted a couple of minutes!

It just goes to show that cervical dilation has no bearing on labor duration ever, but especially after the first baby. And Jerica’s intuition was far more compelling than any exam she received that day. I am so proud of her for advocating for what she needed in the waiting hours, and in the 90 minutes of active labor. She birthed with composure and grace just as I remembered from the birth of her second. And like before, she didn’t even look like she had given birth. Needless to say, Jerica is quite remarkable in more ways than one!