The Birth of Madison Rose 5/12/21


Jaclyn and Jason grew their family by two cute little feet on May 12, 2021 with the arrival of their daughter, Madison Rose. This was our second birth journey together so I had an inkling about her. She gave birth to her son a few years prior in an unmedicated, fast and furious induction. This time around the concerns centered less around coping with labor and more around getting her son taken care of so she could leave with plenty of time to get to the hospital. It would be nice to have some time to settle into labor, but the realty was that things would likely go quickly again. And true to form, Jaclyn’s cervix dilated in the weeks beforehand finding her opened 3 cm at 38 weeks. 


Her body hung on for almost two more weeks, with bouts of contractions that had her radar up. Until I got the text at 1:55 am on may 12. The text simply said, “Having some strong contractions. Talked to the midwife. Going in.” We timed our arrival to the hospital to be in sync and rendezvoused in front of the hospital and proceeded to the family maternity center together. Jaclyn was dilated 5 cm and 100% effaced but acting like she was farther along than that. Her nurse went about admitting Jaclyn, trying to time her questions between contractions. Jaclyn had a difficult time laboring in the bed on her back so we encouraged her to move as she felt led. Hands and knees was the go-to, just like last time, but it is also the most challenging to get a steady read of a baby’s heartbeat. Those monitors ended up staying strapped around Jaclyn’s belly the rest of her labor, as it turned out!


Jaclyn got nauseous and threw up, then felt like she had to use the restroom. She was working up a sweat and shaking all over. This was a woman in transition and we knew it. Jaclyn tried to use the bathroom at 3:43 and we edged in closer to the bathroom door just in case the baby came. She bore down and I asked her if she felt burning and she said that she did. Burning equals baby! So, the nurse called the midwife in as we helped Jaclyn make her way back onto the bed. 


Jason pressed on Jaclyn’s sacrum as the midwife pulled the delivery cart up to the bed. And Jaclyn pushed out her baby with great control, easing her out bit by bit from the crown. And her sweet Madison Rose was born at 3:53 am and passed into her mother’s hands. Jaclyn had only been at the hospital for an hour. And she flew from 5 cm to baby in that time.


She gathered herself as she looked down at her baby. Jason and Jaclyn were immediately taken by their daughter and expressed their love for each other and another miraculous birth. The wonder on parents’ faces upon first seeing their child is such a delight to behold. I am always honored to be there to witness those moments. 


There was a lot of snuggling before the nursery nurse returned to get Madison’s stats. She weighed 8 lb. 6.8 oz. and measured 21 ½ in. long. And she didn’t even cry during her shots! We did laugh when she cried during footprints though. Madison latched when she was ready, guided by her mother’s confidence and experience. Through patience, Madison found her way. I gathered my things once everything was settled so Jaclyn and Jason could get some rest consequently right as the sun rose. 


I left the birth thinking about what a crazy year it had been. We were on the verge of some changes in pandemic protocols and lowering of social distancing and mask-wearing restrictions. And they couldn’t come soon enough. I have seen women do hard things over the years but this past year has brought an entirely new level of challenge. And I hoped Jaclyn might be the last client to wear a mask through her labor. Jaclyn did it though, and will always have the distinction of giving birth during a pandemic. Let’s hope there won’t be too many more of those as the weather warms and the rules dissipate. Welcome to the world, Madison Rose! You are very much loved!