The Birth of Leona Vivienne 8/13/21

Laura and Axel welcomed their daughter, Leona Vivienne on August 13, 2021! This sweet baby was an answer to prayer during the COVID-19 pandemic. And Laura and Axel did not go unscathed by it. They both got the virus, Laura first, and there were so many prayers that she would not go into labor until she felt strong and well. But then Axel got COVID, requiring additional quarantine time.

But Leona did not want to wait any longer! Laura sent me a text “in labor” on August 12 right around 10:00 that morning. She was sick with COVID the 10 days leading up to the birth so she began her birth journey running on fumes. She wanted to rest during early labor for that reason, but it’s also a good idea for labor’s sake. She ate here and there and tried to keep hydrated with electrolyte drinks, but she was just so tired.

She suspected she might have a slow leak and when they realized it was tinted with some brown, her midwife asked her to come in and get checked. With contractions lasting a minute at the 4.5 minute interval, it seemed like things were picking up. Laura had labored at home for 18 hours at that point and was willing to give her natural birth a try, if her energy could keep up.

Turns out, her water was broken but there was no meconium. However, Laura was dilated 1 cm and her cervix needed a little kick start. A cervical ripener and some iv medication helped Laura to rest an relax. What’s more, her cervix dilated to 6 cm! Laura was still exhausted, and her contractions were extra challenging because of that and also because they were all in her back. So after careful consideration, she and Axel decided an epidural was the best next step to help with rest and relaxation. After all, there was still pushing!

Five hours later, Laura was fully dilated! She didn’t push long for a first-time mom, just 40 minutes, and sweet baby Leona was born at 2:20 pm! Love at first sight is an understatement, as these new parents drifted right into their roles seamlessly. Their strong faith in God also helped get them through not only COVID, but a challenging labor. Plus, Leona did end up testing positive for COVID and would end up needing some medical attention. So their early parenting time was definitely extra challenging.

But now, many months out, they are embracing parenthood and I have even caught Laura out wearng Leona like she’s been doing it for years. I’m so proud of this couple. Their birth had some additional challenges, but Lauara worked to keep her mindset positive by remembering what a blessing it was for her to bear a child. Motherhood is a precious gift, and one made more precious through adversity. And this couple definitely had some added challenges in the beginning. Thankfully, at the time of this writing, they have come into their own rhythm and are enjoying the new discoveries parenting a new baby brings. You both should be so proud of your journey.