The Birth of Leo Matthew 9/25/21

Brittany and Alfredo welcomed their son, Leo Matthew, on September 25, 2021! They enrolled in my childbirth class and soon realized that a doula would be a good addition to their birth team. Brittany knew she wanted to make use of an epidural, but she also appreciated the importance of using comfort measures before that point. 

A couple of days after her due date, at her prenatal appointment, she had a membrane sweep to see if it might spur on labor. She was already 3 cm dilated and her provider thought it would likely work. She felt cramps shortly afterwards and the escalated in intensity through the day. By the evening, she had a surprising amount of bloody show that concerned her. She called on it, and the nurse advised her to head to the hospital to get checked out. Thankfully, the bleeding wasn’t bad enough to be worrisome and Brittany remained 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. So she went home to wait for labor.

The next night just past 10:00, Brittany thought her water had broken. She called on it and was instructed to head to the hospital by her provider. The leaking continued, and when she was assessed in triage, she was dilated 4-5 cm. This was exciting because it meant she would stay and have a baby!

Soon after she was settled into her room she requested an epidural, and by 1:00 she was feeling relief. The goal was to rest, but her baby’s heart rate dipped, which can happen. So after adjusting Brittany’s position, her blood pressure and the baby’s heart rate were stable again. And by 2:15 am she was sleeping. 

Shortly after 3:00, when the catheter was placed, Brittany’s nurse checked and discovered she was 6 cm dilated. Things seemed to be moving right along. We rolled her to the right side, and then to the left, and continued to inform the positions based on what we knew was happening with her cervix. It was also a balance between decels in baby’s heart rate, rotating to the opposite side when that happened. We also suspected the decels might be indicating rapid cervical change and head compression for Baby Leo. There was one period in which his heart rate dropped enough to bring extra nurses in the room and soon after that, Brittany was 9 cm dilated! She had moved from 6 to 9 cm in just 2 ½ hours!

Since her baby’s heart rate still dipped, they thought it wise to start pushing and see if the cervical lip could be moved aside. The lip persisted though, so the plan was to labor down. We used the bed to help bring baby down upon the cervix. It makes a nice throne and uses gravity well in that position. Brittany felt nauseous so we gave her a cold cloth and some peppermint to help. Things were definitely changing, and her body was gearing up to push a baby out.

Her doctor came in about 15 minutes later and confirmed at 9:00 pm that Brittany was fully dilated and her baby was at +1 station. She encouraged Brittany to give pushing a try to see if she might move her baby and she moved him so well that we soon saw his head! Within 30 minutes they broke down the bed and 20 minutes later, Leo Matthew was born with a loud cry at 9:57 am! 

Leo cried out in his very first second born and he came out looking like his Papa, Brittany snuggled her boy and giggled over his hairy shoulders remarking that he was a werewolf. She also reveled in how good he smelled, nature’s cocktail of bonding babies and mothers.

Leo was latched at the end of his first hour and when he was done there, he got some skin to skin with his daddy too. He weighed 8 lb. 14 oz. and measured 21.5 in. long. He was a big boy, but aced all his initial assessments, including his blood sugar. There’s nothing like colostrum! 

This couple was such a joy to serve. Alfredo was eager to be the best labor support and father he could. I loved seeing his excitement in the process and his love for his son from the start. And Brittany is so sweet natured I know she’ll be a gentle mother to her son. Thank you for allowing me to share such an intimate space with you as you grew your family to 3!