The Birth of Judah John Paul 11/23/22
This announcement has been posted without pictures at the family’s request.
Rachael had quite the journey to meet her third baby. Third babies are often called the wildcard, and Rachael’s baby number three fell right into that label! Her husband, Marc, was deployed and would almost definitely not be home in time for the birth. So, Rachael prepared herself to welcome this child without him by her side.
Rachael aspired for a VBAC this time since her second baby had been born by emergency c-section over three weeks early due to fetal distress. Her first birth was a long induction, so she was hopeful for a different journey this time around.
She enrolled in my Spinning Babies® Parent Class and learned all about the daily positions and stretches she could do to encourage this baby to find the most space to position himself head down. And she even switched her care providers to a group known for their low c-section rate and high VBAC rate.
Everything was proceeding well for a vaginal birth until at her 37-week appointment it was discovered that Rachael’s baby was in the breech position. This was a shock to everyone and required some quick thinking and extensive work on Rachael’s part. She ran down the list of suggestions I gave for encouraging her baby to go head down and she continued to seek regular chiropractic adjustments. Her doctor even attempted an ECV (external cephalic version) to flip baby from external manipulation but that did not work. He seemed resolute in his position, but Rachael did not stop there. She continued to do all she could to encourage him to flip.
At Rachael’s 38-week appointment they did another ultrasound to confirm position since the c-section was scheduled for the following week. And wonder of wonders, Rachael’s baby boy had flipped head down! It was another surprise discovery but a much happier one. So, Rachael went about walking and lunging to keep her baby in the head down position. The following Tuesday they had an ultrasound scheduled to confirm he was still head down and would then cancel the c-section for the following day.
But, true to wild card baby form, when they did an ultrasound the following Tuesday, in week 39, Rachael’s baby was breech AGAIN. Her provider was not comfortable doing another ECV due to the risk of rupture, and Rachael was left unsure as to what felt like the best choice. Her cervix was still closed, and they planned to do another ultrasound the next day before the scheduled c-section just to be sure. Ultimately, Rachael made peace with the safer controlled c-section rather than increasing the likelihood for an emergent situation with a repeat ECV or even delaying the c-section another few days.
The next morning, Rachael reported to the hospital for the c-section with her sister by her side. Everyone’s eyes were trained on the screen during the ultrasound. What position would her baby be in today?? The plan for the day was soon clear because her baby was still in the breech position. He had made his decision known too it would seem! Rachael handled the situation with grace and a positive mindset, knowing she trusted her providers and wanted only the safest birth for her son. Plus, she had come to peace with everything the previous day.
Rachael waited through the morning for her c-section. She had been bumped for a more urgent need. It was a reassuring reminder that the path she had chosen was not the urgent one. Her baby was fine and would be born when it was their turn. Not only was her baby’s position flipping and flopping, but her line in queue for the OR was also flipping and flopping. Originally, she was bumped to the afternoon from her early morning slot, and then was returned to a late morning time.
The wheels started turning after 10:30 that morning. Her team came in one at a time for introductions and to ask the necessary questions, and by 10:49 that morning Rachael was escorted out the door and down the hall to the OR. Her sister was summoned to her side once the spinal anesthesia was in place. And at 11:26 am on November 23, 2022, the day before Thanksgiving, Judah John Paul was born! He weighed 7 lb. 9 oz. and was 20.5 in. long. He looked like his daddy and once he was with his mommy he grabbed for her hand. Rachael was in recovery with her son within the hour and he latched for the first time at 12:53 pm, just shy of 90 minutes old.
There was some clarity in the decision when Rachael’s doctor went in for the baby. Rachael’s incision was thin, and with an already elevated chance for rupture, she might have dodged a scary outcome. Her baby boy presented with his feet and his bottom, so he was very much in the breech position at the time of birth.
Rachael never would have imagined choosing a scheduled c-section in light of her history and her plans for this birth. But as she gathered more information and had discussions with her providers, she felt included in the decision and her option mattered. Given all the information presented and discovered, Rachael chose the best path to meet her son. And that’s the stuff that positive birth experiences are made of! I will forever be amazed at how mobile Rachael’s son was up to the very end, and in her grace in allowing him to literally choose his birth position and path.