The Birth of Hayden Brooks 1/17/23

Haley and her husband, Spencer, were overjoyed to be expecting a baby in the winter. But they were disappointed to know that Spencer would be deployed during much of the pregnancy and the birth. Haley and I go to the same gym and were brought together by one of the coaches there. I am so thankful for her doula matchmaking help because Haley was such a joy to serve.

In the last month or so of the pregnancy, after everything had been proceeding normally, Haley got the shocking news that her baby was in the breech position. This can be very disheartening since in our birth community it means the baby would be born by c-section. I mentioned some things Haley might try to encourage her baby to turn, however, she had already accepted the situation and trusted that her baby knew best what position to be in. Plus, she trusted the recommendation of her doctors and appreciated the benefits of securing support for the day of the birth. Thankfully, Haley’s parents do not live far from her home so she rested in the confidence that they would be available to help in the early weeks and months, as she waited for Spencer’s return.

Haley and her mom arrived at the hospital bright and early, and I joined them a short time later. Haley’s time waiting in triage wasn’t smooth sailing. It took three different tries to get the iv established and the more she thought about the c-section approaching, the more anxious she felt inside. Her nurse was perfectly paired for her since her husband is on the same ship as Haley’s husband. She reassured her and represented a connection to Spencer, in a way.

An ultrasound that morning by Haley’s doctor confirmed that her baby boy was decidedly breech and had not budged. The anesthesiologist came in as did the CRNA, to introduce themselves and explain the spinal process and to answer any questions. The surgical assistant came in as well. But right around the time everyone had stopped by, the thought of the c-section became very real, and Haley had to process some nervous emotions. She steadied her breathing and tried to focus on the fact that she would be meeting her baby very soon, and she was able to calm herself to the point of being ready.

Haley walked back to the OR, flanked by members of her medical team, as her mom sat ready for when they called her in a short time later. Haley recounted her baby’s birth as a very emotional moment. There were tears from both Haley and her mom as they heard Hayden’ Brooks’ first cry! Haley was more happy than sad, but she wished her husband, Spencer, could have been there to experience that moment too. There was also a funny moment when her doctor was pulling him out, “There’s a butt, and there’s poop!” Hayden’s plumbing was working right from the start, and he was very much breech!

Haley recognized some family resemblances in Hayden’s grumpy face, and he had a decent amount of hair too, And he looked very much like his daddy. He was absolutely perfect and weighed in at 8 lb. 4 oz. and was 20.5 in. long.

Hayden was latched for the first time when he was ready, and he is still nursing well, over a month later. Now the countdown has turned from baby’s arrival to counting down to when daddy comes home! Haley and Hayden are very excited for that day! In the meantime, I am so proud of Haley for trusting her gut and her doctor and listening to her body in the early postpartum weeks to insure she heals well and being a downright awesome new mom while her husband is away! She is amazing!