Posts tagged Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educator
Why Take a Spinning Babies® Parent Class?

If you are pregnant, you have probably heard of Spinning Babies®. Maybe you visited the site and tried a few of the recommended positions. It can be overwhelming, to say the least. Visiting the site and leaving it confused, is a common tale. Perhaps your doula or a friend has given you some Spinning Babies® tips and testimonials. But both ways to get Spinning Babies® information fall short. One is missing the hands-on practical side of it, while the other might be overlooking the nuances of position that benefit mom and baby or might not explain contraindications for some of the movements.

I had attended two Spinning Babies® training workshops before going to my Spinning Babies® Parent Educator training. And I can honestly say that despite being trained twice, I lacked skill and confidence in many of the techniques, so I simply didn’t do them. The Three Balances intimidated me! And I certainly didn’t feel I could appropriately recommend that my clients do them if I couldn’t even show them myself. 

Spending three days learning from Gail Tully and Jennifer Walker, surrounded by other birth workers seeking certification as Spinning Babies® Parent Educators is what changed it for me. My eyes were opened and I had a much more thorough understanding of the concepts. I retained the information in a totally different way, knowing I would be teaching it. We explored the techniques more in-depth and pored over the reasoning behind each one and reviewed the contraindications for each movement. I learned some things that will impact my doula-ing too. After nearly 20 years, there is still plenty to learn.

The Spinning Babies® Parent Class taught by a Certified Spinning Babies® Parent Educator, bridges the gap for expectant couples between the informative but overwhelming Spinning Babies® website and a well-meaning doula or friend. In my Spinning Babies® Parent Class the sequence of learning aids in retention. First, we review the parts of the pelvis and how the bones, ligaments, and muscles are connected. Then we explore the Daily Activities(SM) and Rest Smart recommendations, which are easily incorporated into your daily routines, adding flexibility and helping the ligaments and muscles to be supple. We reinforce proper posture, how to sit, and even how to sleep. The Three Balances®, which used to intimidate me but no longer do, are the pièce de resistance, and when done in proper sequence and form, can have a significant impact on your baby’s ability to settle into an optimal birth position. The Three® Balances are also a nice activity to do with your partner, creating the opportunity to collaborate and bond over your pregnancy preparedness. And in preparation for the big day (or night!) baby comes, we review key positions that make room for baby by opening the inlet, middle, and outlet of the pelvis. Once you know the station of your baby, you will know which position makes the most sense!

With every one of these movements, activities, and positions we go over in the class, you will have the benefit of hands-on learning and reinforcement and correction from someone trained to give it! My Spinning Babies® Parent Classes are limited in size to ensure enough time and space for all participants to feel confident in executing the movements. That’s another key difference you get in the class that you won’t get from reading the Spinning Babies® website or from a helper who claims to know. You get a teacher giving you one-on-one attention as you navigate the movements.

Does this sound like a lot of information? It is, but don’t worry because everyone who attends my Spinning Babies® Parent Class will receive access to the eBook as well as downloadable worksheets from Spinning Babies®. It’s an investment, just like all the other things you’ve put time and money into as you make room for baby in your life. But this investment, can literally MAKE ROOM for baby when it matters most. In birth. Oh! And much of what you’ll learn in the class can also ease common pregnancy discomforts. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now!