End of Year Slideshow for 2020

I am given such gifts by my clients every year—their trust, their willingness to include me on an intimate family journey. I am given the gift of seeing strength, vulnerability, courage, fortitude, patience, and love. And I am always learning and growing alongside my clients. I am also grateful to the couples who have trusted me to assist in their preparation through my childbirth education classes. You are also gifts to me.

So in return, I would like to offer you this gift of a slideshow retelling some of those memories shared. The images you’ll see are only those that had previously been posted on social media with permission. So not every single family is represented.

While it is no secret that 2020 was a struggle for all of us, some more than others, it still had some special moments. While my family came through the year rather unscathed, I’ll still admit some of the brightest spots were when I was standing alongside my clients as they held their babies in their arms for the first time. You are all so dear to me. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here’s to 2021 and hopefully an even brighter year for us all.