The Birth of Eleanor Blake (Ellie) 11/18/23

Camron and Bryce welcomed their second child, Eleanor Blake, on November 18, a baby sister for big brother, Theo. The birth of Ellie also happened to be the 1,000th birth for me so this was an extra special birth journey for that reason and because they were repeat clients!

Camron’s first birth began when her water broke at her prenatal appointment and proceeded to take about 29 hours, requiring some interventions for labor’s progress as well as antibiotics since her water was broken for so long. This time around, she developed preeclampsia, so an induction was the topic of conversation over a month out. Camron was no stranger to an induction since that was the path her first birth had taken. And she trusted her doctors’ recommendations for the safest outcome for her and her baby. In fact, she had some concerning symptoms that had her going to get monitored at the hospital. Thankfully she made it to her scheduled induction at 37 weeks.

Camron went into the hospital for cervical ripening after having to wait a few extra hours due to no available beds. She received Cytotec orally as well as in the suppository form. The following morning, they inserted a Cook Balloon and began low dose pitocin. Camron tried to rest through that first night and stay chill during the day until contractions picked up. The biggest challenge during an induction is not letting the same four walls drive you crazy! Bryce was a wonderful partner, keeping things light and loving her through every step.

I arrived around 2:30 pm as things were starting to pick up. Camron was still chatty and pleasant, doing some catching up between contractions. I tied the rebozo to the squat bar on the bed to give her an alternative position that was upright. The contractions were growing more consistent but still just every 4:30 minutes apart and on the shorter side.

By 4:25pm her doctor came in to assess and recommended breaking her water to move things forward. Camron was dilated 5 cm, 50% effaced, and her baby was at -3 station. Due to some concerns with tracing baby’s heart rate, they used internal monitors to get a more accurate read on things. Camron soon felt more pain in her lower back, so we used the heating pad.

Just thirty minutes later, around 5:00 pm, Camron was vocalizing with her contractions. We stepped up the positions using the CUB so she could remain upright. An hour later, Camron felt a lot of pressure like she might need to push her baby out. This brought her back to her first birth however, when she felt pushy, but it was too soon. She tightened up in response to the contraction for fear history might be repeating itself. And when her doctor did an exam, Camron was dilated to 6 cm, 80% effaced, and her baby was at -2. While she had made some change in the right direction, it was not time to push.

Camron labored out of bed in the hopes she might bring her baby down upon her cervix and open it. But she couldn’t help but feel the anxiety creep in about pushing too soon. She clenched in response and told us she thought an epidural might be a wise decision if things weren’t progressing. It had been over an hour, and this WAS her second baby, so perhaps it was time to push. However, a check confirmed she was still 6 cm, so Camron knew what she wanted to do. She requested an epidural in the hopes it would keep her from pushing too soon and possibly swelling her cervix.

By 8:00 pm they were finishing up the epidural, made a little more complicated due to a rod Camron had placed in her back. But she was comfortable soon after. Her baby’s heart rate took a surprising tumble around 8:30 pm with each contraction. We suspected this could mean big changes and when Camron’s doctor did a check, she confirmed just that! Camron was dilated 10 cm, 100% effaced, and her baby was at 0 station!

They turned down the pitocin to give baby a break. And then had Camron give a push. She was a very good pusher! It didn’t take long. Her doctor got suited up and then Camron really pushed, and she pushed Ellie into the world at 9:02 pm, exactly an hour after the epidural test dose went in! Looking back, Camron felt confident that getting the epidural when she did helped keep things moving forward so nicely.

Camron and Bryce took in their baby girl from head to toe, comparing her to big brother while also seeing how she was her own unique person. With her baby in her arms, Camron looked up at her husband who leaned down to kiss her forehead. Ellie got skin to skin with mom and then with dad, getting so much love in her first hour. Ellie weighed 6 lb. 8 oz. and measured 19.5 in. long. She was a little gal, but perfectly healthy.

The love overflowed to the next level when big brother Theo met little sis, and mom and dad watched it all. That moment comes very close to the moment of birth as one of the best. These sweet parents are gentle and kind, and I have no doubt their two children will benefit from their nature as they guide them in this life.