Amara's Childbirth Education & Doula Services

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The Birth of Mary Charlotte Lee 12/2/20

I am thrilled to announce the arrival of Juliet and Bill’s fourth child, a rainbow baby in fact, and my fourth time to serve as their doula. Mary Charlotte Lee arrived on December 2 at 6:13 am, the perfect end to a crazy year. Of course, there was the tailspin brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, but we had developed a coasting approach to the new normal in regard to hospital requirements. But Bill and Juliet had also purchased a new home and were still unpacking and getting settled at the time of our prenatal visit, just weeks before Mary Charlotte’s birth. These parents took it in stride though. With three kids age 5 and younger, they were used to having a lot on their plates. 

Juliet followed her providers to their new location since they had taken such excellent care of her through every pregnancy. And she waited those last weeks for the signs she would recognize. But her body had contractions in fits and starts, so she was really unsure whether she needed to pay attention. Those contractions were doing something though, because she dilated to 3 cm before labor even began. One night she thought it was the night, but the contractions faded and she was able to sleep. In fact she overslept which would turn out to be a blessing since the following night the cramps returned and they didn’t go away. It was finally go time! Bill texted me at 3:00 am to let me know Juliet was going into labor. There was a drive and friends on the way to watch the little ones, so we decided to meet at the hospital. We got there around the same time, 5:20 am. 

Juliet walked through the front doors of the hospital and was immediately hit with a contraction. She clung to Bill and breathed through it and resumed her walk to labor and delivery. Her midwife met up with her and confirmed Juliet was 6 cm dilated. She had done good work in the past couple of hours. She was also 80% effaced and her baby was at -1 station so things were sure to move along quickly. 

Juliet politely answered the questions, and tolerated the monitor, and even the COVID test, and by 5:45 am she was moving into transition. “This is so hard,” she said and then moved and breathed through the next contraction. Bill kissed Juliet between contractions and always had an encouraging word to say. He held her hand and stayed right beside her. Once off the monitors, Juliet chose to sit upon the birth ball. We placed cold cloths on her forehead and back and she warmed them so quickly with her body that we had to circulate them after nearly every contraction to keep them cold against her skin.

Juliet’s water broke at 6:05 am which brought some excitement, immediately followed by a strong pushing contraction. Her nurse wanted to check her cervix to confirm but the signs were all there. Juliet was fully dilated and pushing. And her baby was coming! (Her nurse did do an exam and stated the same.) Then she called out for support. She called for anyone since the baby was already visible. The room quickly filled with several people but the one that mattered most to Juliet was her midwife. She came in behind the others and in no time was gloved up and ready. Juliet didn’t push long, maybe two contractions, and her sweet baby girl, Mary Charlotte, was born gently surrounded by loving support.

Juliet rejoiced with squeals to know her daughter was born and Bill looked right into his baby’s face and was wrapped. Juliet hugged her baby close and following her Mary Charlotte’s cues, had her latched by 6:30 am. We commented on how chunky she looked in the arms and legs and sure enough, Mary Charlotte weighed in at 8 lb. 2 oz. and was 20.2 in. long. She already had rolls and by the look of things, she was intent on growing more.

In a time that feels crazy and uncertain, it’s wonderful to have a job in which I see beauty, strength, wonder, and innocence regularly. It’s a beautiful opportunity to focus on the important things and to find my center. This family is a wonderful example of those things and I will forever treasure the memories we have shared in birth.