Amara's Childbirth Education & Doula Services

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The Birth of Jolene Renee 2/4/21

Ashley and Wade welcomed their second beautiful baby girl, Jolene Renee on February 4, 2021. This birth was so different from the first, and believe it or not, was a bit more challenging for a few reasons. The biggest difference was the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing. Initially, we weren’t even sure whether I would be providing doula services virtually or in-person. Thankfully, by the time Ashley was nearing full-term, doulas had been reinstated at her hospital as part of the birth team, not a visitor. This provided great relief to all of us. We had our prenatal visit, as is customary, and Ashley and Wade explained their rock-solid plan for big sister’s care during the birth. Grandma would be on an extended visit with them as the due date approached. Believe me, this alone helps to alleviate a huge potential stressor, and would allow Ashley to let go more easily for labor.

Still, she had weekly membrane sweeps at the end since that seemed to work for her first labor. But this baby was different and those sweeps didn’t get things going as soon as expected. In fact, Ashley remained pregnant a bit longer than her first pregnancy, making gradual movements toward labor in those final weeks. She was 1 cm dilated at 30 weeks, then 2 cm dilated on her due date. Ashley felt minor contractions that started at 2:00 am on her due date. They were erratic but persistent. By 5:20 that evening Ashley knew the contractions were regular but they were far apart at 20 minutes. So continued to ignore them and went along with her regular evening routine.

And just past 1:00 am everything had changed. Ashley’s contractions were not yet a minute long but they were very strong, requiring her full attention. They continued to intensify to just 2 minutes apart. And while they were still short, their intensity was enough to have Wade and Ashley head to the hospital. After her initial triage, she was confirmed 4 cm dilated. And while this was not as much as she had hoped, her first birth experience was a lesson in “ignore the numbers” since she zoomed from 4 cm to baby in a very short time.

 Some i.v. fluids came on board to help baby’s heart rate stabilize and it appeared to work. Wade did belly lifts to relieve Ashley of lower abdominal pressure as her baby worked to find her place in the pelvis. Something was a bit off in baby’s position since Ashley’s labor had been so protracted and erratic. So we encouraged Ashley into some positions that might help. Labor picked up quickly after arriving at the hospital, and Ashley was quickly drawn deeply into focus and listening to her body and intuition. And by 4:45 am she was dilated 5-6 cm, 70% effaced, and her baby’s head was still high at -2 station. 

And not thirty minutes later, Ashley’s body began to shake—a normal sign of the hard work and muscle fatigue that come with labor, but also a sign of transition. She thought her baby was coming soon and wanted an exam an hour after her previous one. She learned she was 6 cm and 90% effaced and it was not what she was hoping to hear. But Ashley forged ahead. And you know what she did? She lunged. She didn’t like it but she did it anyway! We thought it might encourage her sweet baby to rotate too.

But she had hit her wall and was ready for a change. Ashley asked her midwife to break her water. Yes, her midwife ended up coming on duty right as Ashley entered transition! She had her water broken at 7:00 am and her cervix opened rapidly from 8 cm to 9 cm. And with the very next contraction after that, Ashley was pushing! She pushed with such strength that she brought her baby down lightning fast. We watched as Jolene rotated one way and then the other, and got herself situated out of the OP position at the very last second! She came barreling into the midwife’s hands at 7:11 am on February 4, 2021! And she weighed 8 lb. and measured 20 in. long.

Ashley welcomed her second daughter like her first, in a birth free of pain medications. But so much of it was different! Her baby’s position likely delayed the onset of her labor and when it did, it made it take even longer. Then when the conditions were right, her body moved quickly to bring Jolene into the world, just as a veteran pelvis is known to do. Ashley hit a wall or two, and looking back she is still amazed she was able to do it, considering the added challenges she had this time. But we always knew she could. And in her wavering moments, Wade was her champion, speaking encouragement and strength to her without fail. And always having her back, literally and metaphorically. 

 Welcome to the world, Jolene Renee! May you always celebrate your birthday with a free Slurpee from 7-Eleven! And be sure your mom gets one too, why don’t ya. She certainly deserves it!!