Amara's Childbirth Education & Doula Services

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The Birth of Ember Mary-Ann 8/6/20

Ember Mary-Ann changed the world forever when she arrived on August 6. Hailey had been a client of mine before so I knew the depth of her strength. The had given birth during a deployment and was an independent and capable woman. So when the restrictions came down during the pandemic, she was not concerned. She knew the support she would need and was also aware of what her children at home required. She had also taken up nursing school so that was an important part of her life in addition to her children. But over a month before her due date, Hailey was admitted for observation and a lab draw for suspected preeclampsia. The numbers weren’t good and after receiving a shot of steroids to speed up her baby’s lung development, she went home with plans to return the following day to reassess, midwife’s orders. Unfortunately, Hailey’s blood pressure numbers were even worse the following day so the decision was made to admit her for induction. She went home to coordinate care for her children, gathered up her things, ate, and returned to the hospital. Hailey embraced this change in plan and I was so proud of her for letting go and letting it happen.

A foley bulb was the first step in the induction process, in the hopes it would dilate and efface the cervix. But it didn’t go in since Hailey wasn’t dilated yet. So Cytotec was the plan to ripen her cervix. And only two doses would be needed, at that. Hailey’s blood pressure was so high that she was put on magnesium, with a foley catheter and compression devices on her legs to prevent clots. This was a far cry from her previous birth less than two years earlier—unencumbered, unmedicated, and without restrictions. But to her credit, Hailey walked this journey with her head held high and knowing in her heart that it was the best decision for the health of herself and her baby. I admired that in her. Around 2:00 am her water broke (at least in part) and with it came very strong contractions. So when Hailey’s midwife recommended an epidural to further assist in regulating her blood pressure, she was not opposed. Hailey was looking forward to getting some much-needed rest. 

However, rest was not to be. The epidural was placed by 2:40 am and Pitocin was added at 3:00 am to bring the contractions closer together. And very soon the contractions were coming every 3 minutes. And by the time Hailey was settled and we positioned her with a peanut ball between her legs to keep her pelvis open, she felt a lot of pressure and looked up at me to say, “I think she’s coming soon.” She felt a lot of pressure in her butt and vagina, and when her nurse came in to do an exam, she was shocked to find Hailey was dilated 8 ½ to 9 cm! It was only 3:54 am! Hailey had flown from 2 cm to nearly fully dilated in less than 2 hours! The midwife was called and they hurriedly set up the delivery table as Hailey breathed through growing pressure. She panted and blew but the urge to push grew stronger. The midwife arrived and put on her gloves right as Hailey said, “She’s there. I’m not pushing and she’s there.” She didn’t yell she just told us. And her midwife leaned in and in just 2-3 pushes with one contraction her little girl was born at 4:09 am. The sac broke right as Ember’s head emerged, a sight that is amazing every time. Hailey cradled her baby with awe saying, “Hey, Mama!” Ember was born at 35 weeks and 2 days weighing just 5 lbs. 1 oz. and measuring 19 in. long. Hailey marveled at her petite princess, “Her head fits in my hand,” she exclaimed. 

Ember needed some respiratory support at the warmer, but she was not apart from her mom for long. And once in her arms she was there to stay. Ember was latched at 4:40 am as Hailey lay back peacefully reflecting on her birth journey. It was so very different! The world was so very different. Her life circumstances were so very different. But at the core it was the same. Hailey trusted her body. She trusted her caregivers. She trusted her instincts. And she trusted her baby. And that walk of trust brought peace to a birth that might have been scary and stressful. It was beautiful to watch the unfolding of this birth and to see in the midst of so much uncertainty that Hailey still found peace in the journey. 

Ember today