Amara's Childbirth Education & Doula Services

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The Birth of Amara Lee 8/2/22

Christy and Daniel’s journey to meet their first baby unfolded so smoothly, you’d think they might have traveled it before. But every birth is different and there is never a guarantee that birth will fall within the assumed parameters of labor…until it does, kind of. But Christy’s pregnancy journey wasn’t without a hiccup. Her baby was a bit too comfortable inside, happily growing and growing. So, when Christy passed her due date and then some, an induction was scheduled. And sometimes that’s all it takes because she went into labor the day before the induction.

 Christy’s contractions began about 10 minutes apart but rapidly progressed to the 5-1-1 pattern of 5 minutes apart, lasting a minute each, for an hour. But they didn’t stop there and instead zoomed to 3 minutes apart. This was a bit startling and faster than they expected based on what we went over in childbirth class. So, they put a call in to the midwife who supported their desire to go to the hospital.

Since the induction was scheduled for the next day, Christy had already taken the COVID test in preparation so that was on less thing! She was monitored for a baseline and her midwife did an exam. Christy chose not to know her dilation, preferring to keep it a secret so the number wouldn’t get into her head. It was a wonderful strategy, and her midwife was pleased with the exam and told her to keep up the good work. Her contractions were coming at a steady clip of 3-4 minutes apart and lasting a minute or more.

 Christy draped herself over the CUB birthing chair as we fanned her and placed cold cloths on her neck. She belched loud and long, a funny sing of labor’s progression. It elicited giggles that were hard to keep inside, but Christy didn’t seem bothered as she was already deep in labor. Daniel applied counter pressure to relieve her lower back and cycled the washcloths and made sure Christy was hydrated.

Her COVID test was negative, but her GBS test was not, so antibiotics were run around 10:30 pm. She was feeling her contractions in her back, so I placed a warm pack there to help her relax her pelvic muscles. Her moans moved louder into growls, and it became clear it was time to call for the tub. Daniel made the call and I set up the shower with some aromatherapy and lighting for Christy. Meanwhile, some furniture was moved out of the room to make space for the tub.

 Christy was in the shower just past 11:00 that night and she labored in a variety of positions. She leaned over the cub and also stood and braced herself against the arm rail in the shower. Lavender permeated the space, a tool to aid in her relaxation through the increased strength of her contractions. The pressure was growing, and we were excited she would meet her baby well before sunrise on the “induction day.”

When it was time to setup the tub, Christy vacated the shower and labored in the room. (The shower would be the means for filling the tub.) She labored back on the bed on her hands and knees over the peanut ball. Her back ached during and between contractions, so we continued to give added support to her with counter pressure and the heat pack.

 Daniel started up the music to keep Christy’s mind in the right place and within a short while the tub was full enough to use. Christy was in the water by 1:00 am and appreciated the change in sensations it brought. She requested rain sounds on the speakers and we pointed a fan toward her to keep her cool as her labor moved into transition.

And just 15 minutes after entering the water Christy began to feel pushy at the peaks of her contractions. It wasn’t time to push yet, but she was laboring down beautifully to the point where she could no longer resist pushing. Her contractions were 2-2.5 minutes apart and lasting 60-90 seconds. Ten minutes later we heard a little grunt at the peaks, and Christy asked, “You sure she’s not coming out of my butt hole?” Believe it or not, this is a question that has been asked more than once. (We assured her she wasn’t but that she was close to birth.)

 And twenty minutes later, her midwife asked if she might be ready to get back on the bed and push out her baby. It was 1:55 and Christy was definitely ready. She found her way back to the bed and leaned over the peanut ball on hands and knees to give her first intentional push. And it was only a couple of pushes before we saw her baby’s head. Daniel caught a glimpse and conveyed his excitement to Christy. It wouldn’t be long now.

And at 2:05 am, on 8/2/22, Christy brought her chunky baby girl into the world, while holding Daniel’s hand! She only pushed for 10 minutes on that bed, by the way! Her midwife passed her baby through her legs into her arms where she cradled her and got her first look at what she had done. Her baby girl cried out as the midwife and nurse commented on how big she was. The placenta was taking it’s time but was eventually out without help.

 Christy and Daniel fell in love with their sweet girl, Amara Lee, and marveled at her chunks. In time we all discovered that she came by her chunks honestly because she weighed a whopping 10 lb. 2 oz. and was 22 in. long! Christy pushed out her big girl as if she had given birth before, and never even knew her dilation until she was pushing. And even then, maybe not. Funny how labor progresses just fine when we hold the space and follow the cues of the woman’s body. When conditions are right with mom and baby, it can go this way. I see babies born in all sorts of ways, in a variety of settings, but when babies just come on out without any assistance, it’s a regular reminder to me that less is more when it comes to an uncomplicated, healthy birth.